Membership Benefits



Each fall VPCMA holds a three day annual meeting on a rotating basis at one of Virginia's leading resorts.  The annual meeting is an excellent opportunity to interact with presidents and executive staff from member companies in a "stress free" environment.  In addition to outstanding speakers and entertainment the annual meeting features outstanding recreational and spouse programs.

VPCMA is a co-sponsor of the nation's leading regional exhibitions for the petroleum/convenience store and oil heat industries.  The SE Petro Food Expo for the petroleum/convenience store industry is traditionally held at the beginning of March. 

Coupon Redemption
More than 10 million food and tobacco coupons are process through VPCMA affiliated company American Coupon Services.  Payment is made within 35-40 days after ACS receives your coupons.  Your coupon rate for the entire year is set at $.01, not on a per shipment basis, to encourage shipping coupons on a monthly basis no matter what the size, so retailers will have less coupon expiration problems.  All you have to do is send your coupons to ACS located in St. Louis, MO and then cash your check.  The work is all done for you.  For members interested in the program, email [email protected].  For more information, click here.
Credit Card Processing

Heartland Payment Systems

The Heartland network supports all popular POS systems and handles all payment types including fleet cards like Wright Express and Voyager.   EBT cards can also be accepted and DTN reporting is also included in our program.   Heartland can do an analysis of your existing card processing business and is well suited for your dealer locations as well.

Heartland is also one of the nation's leading payroll providers with the highest customer satisfaction rating in the industry. Heartland offers a full suite of payroll services up to and including HR services. Additionally, Employee Time & Attendance and FICA Tip Tax Credit Reporting can be seamlessly integrated with our Digital Dining POS for no additional cost.

We have already had several VPCMA members sign up and are taking advantage of the services that Heartland has to offer.  New locations have been on-boarded in two days or less

 For more information on Heartland Payment Systems offers please call Alan Levine at 727-543-5503 or email him at [email protected]

Educational Training Programs

Timely, affordable and convenient educational seminars are an important part of VPCMA's mission.  During the year, the association provides myriad training opportunities for professionals in the home comfort industry on the latest heating and cooling technologies.  Also, throughout the year VPCMA offers training for in-store personnel on such timely topics as customer service, retaining valuable employees, loss prevention, and retailing of age restricted products.


Since 1958, the Association has endorsed Federated Insurance, the nation's leading carrier of property and casualty, workers comp. and financial security insurance for the industry. For more information, visit their associations' member benefit page.

Legislative & Regulatory Representation

VPCMA's only legislative mission is representing Virginia's Petroleum and Convenience Store industries. We work to support favorable legislation and defeat bills that would harm your ability to compete.  Just as importantly, we maintain close working relationships with the state agencies that regulate the industry to ensure that your interests are protected.

National Purchasing Partners

Save on products for your business and employees through your association’s partnership with NPP. Membership is free.  Visit here for my info.

Pest Management

The association recommends Dodson Pest Control for commercial pest management.  Established in Lynchburg, VA in 1944, Dodson Pest Control is a full-service company, providing integrated pest management programs and sanitation documentation to meet government regulations and standards.  Association members qualify for a 10% discount on commercial service from Dodson.

OneSource understands the need for fast accurate background screening in the Petroleum and Convenience industry.  The VPCMA specially customized screening package is specifically designed with those needs in mind.


Elijah Davis Catterton Scholarship

Shortly after his death in 2002, association members endowed a scholarship at Richmond's Collegiate School in honor or Elijah Davis "Dave" Catterton, the first President of the Association who served the industry for 54 years.  This scholarship is presented annually to a Collegiate Middle or Upper School student(s) who is in good academic standing, shows loyalty to the school and has a desire to participate and excel in athletics.  Dave was appreciated for his sense of humor and forthright honesty, love of family, and passion for the game of golf.  His dedication to his work endeared him to his associates. 


Update Newsletters

Members are kept informed of the latest industry news, regulatory compliance information and association events through the VPCMA Update which is sent via email or broadcast fax at least bi weekly and more frequently as events warrant.  During the General Assembly session members receive the   GENERAL ASSEMBLY UPDATE  at least weekly.

Becoming a Member

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of membership, contact [email protected]  [email protected] and we will provide you with full information or click for  Membership Application.